Voice Search: The New Normal for Customer Service

How Voice Search is Changing the Way We Use the Internet

Voice search is a rapidly growing technology that is having a major impact on the way people interact with the internet. In 2022, it is estimated that 55% of all searches will be conducted by voice. This trend is being driven by the increasing popularity of voice-activated devices such as Amazon Echo, Google Home, and Apple HomePod.
The rise of voice search is having a significant impact on web and mobile app development. Developers need to be aware of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by voice search in order to create successful products.

In this blog post, we will explore the impact of voice search on web and mobile app development. We will discuss the following topics:

  • The benefits of voice search for users
  • The challenges of voice search for developers
  • How to optimize your website or app for voice search
  • Examples of successful voice-enabled apps

The benefits of voice search for users

There are many benefits of voice search for users. Here are a few of the most important:

  • Convenience: Voice search is a more convenient way to search the internet. Rather than typing out queries, users can speak their queries out instead. This is particularly helpful for multitaskers or people having difficulty typing.
  • Natural language: Voice search allows users to use natural language to search for information. This means that users can speak their queries in the same way that they would speak to a friend or colleague. This makes voice search more intuitive and easier to use.
  • Hands-free: Voice search is a hands-free way to interact with the internet. This is especially beneficial for people who are driving, cooking, or doing other activities that require their hands.

The challenges of voice search for developers

There are also some challenges associated with voice search for developers. Here are a few of the most important:

  • Accuracy:  Voice recognition technology is not always 100% accurate. This can lead to problems if users' queries are not understood correctly.
  • Grammar:Voice search is not as sensitive to grammar as text search. This means that users can speak their queries in a more natural way, but it also means that developers need to be careful about how they structure their content.
  • Context:  Voice search queries are often more contextual than text search queries. This means that developers need to be aware of the context of the user's query in order to provide accurate results.

How to make your website or app voice search-friendly

There are a number of things that developers can do to optimize their websites or apps for voice search. Here are a few tips:

  • Use natural language: Use natural language in your content so that users can speak their queries in a natural way.
  • Structure your content for voice: Structure your content in a way that makes sense for voice search. This means using clear headings, subheadings, and lists.
  • Use keywords: Use keywords in your content that are relevant to the voice search queries that you want to target.
  • Optimize your titles and descriptions: Optimize your titles and descriptions for voice search by using clear and concise language.
  • Use schema markup: Use schema markup to help search engines understand the content of your website or app.

Examples of successful voice-enabled apps

There are a number of successful voice-enabled apps on the market. Here are a few examples:

  • Amazon Alexa: Amazon Alexa is a voice-activated assistant that is built into a variety of devices, including the Amazon Echo. Alexa can be used to control smart home devices, get information, and play music.
  • Google Assistant: Google Assistant is a voice-activated assistant that is built into a variety of devices, including the Google Home. Google Assistant can be used to control smart home devices, get information, and play music.
  • Apple Siri: Apple Siri is a voice-activated assistant that is built into Apple devices, including the iPhone and the iPad. Siri can be used to control smart home devices, get information, and play music.


Voice search is a rapidly growing technology that is having a major impact on the way people interact on the internet. Developers need to be aware of the unique challenges and opportunities presented by voice search in order to create successful products.
By following the tips in this blog post, you can optimize your website or app for voice search and reach a wider audience of users.

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