How to become an SEO expert


If you want to grow your SEO optimization skills, you have made the right decision. Do you know that about 43% year-over-year growth has been observed in SEO jobs? The role of an SEO expert is gaining more attention too! The ever-growing intricacy of SEO analytics and the significance of driving website traffic are adding momentum to SEO experts' job profiles. This article introduces the key steps to becoming an SEO expert. If you are willing to add an SEO specification to your resume or expand your knowledge in the sector, you have come to the right place. Please read the article, as we have added some practical tips to widen your knowledge in SEO optimization. 

Start with the fundamentals:

The basics could be the best approach to developing your SEO skills. Learn what search engine responses are to content, what viewers expect to read or watch, and the trends. You have millions of resources to understand the trends, such as networking conferences targeted at SEO, linked-in groups on SEO updates, and conferences with light-minded professionals. There are some of the key topics you should focus on: Optimizing content creation, Link building, researching the right keywords and placing them rightly, and website audits. You'd need expertise in these areas when you are willing to drive traffic to the website.

Acquiring deep knowledge of SEO methods and tactics could be the next step in your list. Do you know that Google processes at least 40,000 search queries every second? 

SEO expert

Also, it carries out at least 3.5 billion searches a day! Getting on top of the search results is not easy without handling tactics. Therefore the tactics help you largely in growing businesses. You must also understand that Google tweaks its search algorithm, and the values attached to certain aspects of your website change very often. This is considered the biggest challenge for SEO experts. Therefore you must conduct a competitor analysis for a certain business, including determining the key competitors in the field, geography, efficient keywords, and other relevant factors. Some of the SEO tactics you should follow include:


Keyword analysis: 


Analysis of the competitor's keyword is essential to go behind the trend. You can use the tools available to determine the right keywords for a certain business. 


Link-building analysis: 


Link-building is the key to SERP rankings. Thus the origin numbers and anchor text used by the competitor help determine the status of a business in the market. Some businesses might ask their competitors to provide back links to their websites links to improve credibility. Therefore understanding the tactics related to link-building analysis helps in driving traffic.


Content analysis:


Consistent content postings, length of blog posts, structured content, and significant factors improve a website's performance. 

Search engines strive harder to provide the best results to the user. Understanding methods used by search engines help us to understand SEO best practices and search engine ranking factors. Therefore it carries out the following steps:


  • Crawling: Search engines follow the links recognized well and considered reliable by the public. Therefore it follows those links to discover the most important pages and thus provide the trending pages to the user. Search engines make use of crawlers that help them identify the best result for the query received across the web to get the best answer for the query. Thus it begins the search from credible web pages, then expands the crawling across the web. Crawling across millions of websites takes more time.


  • Indexing: Search engine tries to store the information of the websites for later retrieval. The search engine has an index that acts like a database filled with the information of the websites or pages crawled by the search engine spiders. The index contains detailed data about the information on the web pages, the presence of anchor text of any links available on the website, a map of all the pages, and relevant information such as the presence of ads, location, and more. 


  • Google Ranking: Ranking and retrieving the web pages based on their relevance and importance is the last step followed by the search engines. It checks for the relevance of the content of the webpage with the query initiated by the user. However, the search engine considers web pages with higher importance if they are cited elsewhere, which is more like a voting system/election system for the country's president. Here, the votes are in the form of links. 


SEO expert

However, the search engine uses several complex algorithms to show the user's relevant results. Still, some of the factors used by the search engine are understandable. They are as follows:


The search engine tries to understand the user's requirements before providing the results. How relevant is the content with the query? What could be the searcher's intent? What is the user looking for? 


  • Authority: The search engine considers the website's authority before showing it to the user. The website must have received popularity signals from other websites through link referrals already. It also considers a few other aspects to determine the website's authority before showing it to the user.
  • Trust: The search engine might take time to trust a website; after it has built up trust in the website, it shows the website to the users.
  • Positive experience: It aims to offer positive experiences to the user by providing the best and most reliable answers every time.

You can utilize the tools that are suitable for you to keep your research wholesome and accurate. Therefore, understanding SEO tactics can be highly useful in businesses or in developing SEO skills. To build SEO skills, you can start diving into the SEO tools such as google webmaster tools, screaming frog, and significant others. The "screaming frog" tool crawls several aspects of a domain and better assists with your technical aspect of SEO. There are other resources too, which help in understanding the concepts. 


Developing skills to become an SEO expert:


Developing skills is essential to become an expert in any field. Likewise, a recent study shows that several professional descriptions have mentioned skills related to SEO largely. About 47% of job descriptions have mentioned skills related to Google Tools like GA and GSC, and about 45% of job descriptions mentioned skills like HTML+CSS. If you are willing to become an SEO expert, you must become proficient in these tools and social media optimization. 


These are some of the essential skills that you should develop to become an SEO expert:


  • Curiosity: Curious for learning and developing is essential in any creative process. When a person is curious about a subject, he delves deeper and learns different methodologies to execute the aspect. It will be easier for the experts to keep up with the evolving algorithms and best practices. 
  • Coding skills: When you understand coding, you become a better SEO expert. When you want to stand out in the crowd, begin with learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. These languages are the key languages for technical SEO.
  • Cross-collaboration:This valuable skill help in becoming an expert as SEO comfortably sits nearly across every department like design, development, content, marketing, UX, PR, analytics, quality assurance, and more.
  • Understand the need:Sense and predicting the end user's need is the most required skill for SEO. Google offers great help in understanding the need of the end user.
  • SEO forecasting: SEOs need to be good at predicting the outcomes they might gain. There could be many external factors that are hard to isolate or predict. However, bringing an estimated value related to recommendations reassure budget holders of the work we are proposing. Developing SEO forecasting skill help in improving the quality and reliability of the work. 


Proficiency in these tools and identifying target keywords on social media platforms were considered the most required tools in digital marketing. 


Millions of aspirants are still learning SEO skills, and people who have become SEO experts in some aspects; communicating and sharing knowledge across social media platforms is a great way of learning and getting exposure on the subject. There are other skills to become an established SEO expert; after going through every skill, you can test yourself regularly and practice with the knowledge you have acquired practically. You can also take the help of the communities where you can find people of similar interests.


This is the right time to harness your SEO optimization skills. A reliable study shows that over 93% of people searching online for the first time begin with searches/search engines. The ranking has become the most significant factor in searches and has thus proven to make a significant material difference to a firm's success. Thus SEO optimization skills are considered the most in demand in marketing or promotions.