Visualize Your Company Data

Visualizing Your Company Data in ZONE


Welcome to the help and support document on how to visualize your company data in ZONE. In this guide, we will walk you through the process of utilizing the visualization options available in ZONE to gain valuable insights from your data. Let's dive in!

Accessing Visualization Options

  1. On the left-hand side of the dashboard in ZONE, you will find the Visualization option. Hover over it, and two options will appear: Acquisition Funnel and Acquisition Pacer. These options represent different views for visualizing your data.

Using the Acquisition Funnel

  1. Let's start by exploring the Acquisition Funnel. Click on it.

Customizing the Acquisition Funnel

  1. In the Acquisition Funnel, you can customize the data you want to visualize. Fill in the columns you wish to see, select a date range for the data, choose the data type (normal chart or progress chart), and specify the project segment and version you want to analyze. Although not mandatory, you can also select a specific country and state for more specific information if desired.

Analyzing the Acquisition Funnel

  1. After customizing the settings, the Acquisition Funnel will display the results based on your selections. You can observe the data in various stages, such as lead, inquiry, trial, quote, negotiation, and order. Hover your cursor over any specific stage to view more detailed information.

Exploring the Acquisition Pacer

  1. The Acquisition Pacer is another option for visualizing leads in ZONE. It can be found below the Acquisition Funnel. Select Acquisition Pacer from the menu.

Customizing the Acquisition Pacer

  1. Similar to the Acquisition Funnel, you can customize the Acquisition Pacer by entering the desired details. Specify the date range, select the project segment you want to focus on, choose the version, and optionally provide the country and state for more specific insights. Additionally, if you want to analyze data for a specific project, you can select a specific project ID.

Viewing Results in the Acquisition Pacer

  1. After customizing the settings, the Acquisition Pacer will display the results based on your selections. You can explore the data and view specific details of the project you are interested in. The visualization will categorize the results into stages such as lead, inquiry, trial, quote, negotiation, and order.


Congratulations! You have learned how to visualize your company data in ZONE using the Acquisition Funnel and Acquisition Pacer options. By customizing the settings and exploring the visualizations, you can gain valuable insights into your leads and track their progress through various stages. This feature will help you make informed decisions and optimize your sales and marketing. Should you need any further assistance, our support team is always available to help. Happy visualizing!

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