Minutes of meetings made easy 

Project Type
Mobile App & CMS
4 Months
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustration
Minutes of meetings made easy

Meetings are common practices across all organizations and companies, where the key purpose is to stay connected with colleagues and team members; the company also arranges meetings externally with partners like stakeholders, clients, vendors, and others. Taking notes of the meeting might affect the focus of your colleagues on upcoming discussions. Right after meetings, delegating and managing the tasks, tracking the progress, and following up are some of the other challenges faced by the organizations. Minutes- a web application helps you overthrow these challenges and make every meeting count. This article explains the various features of this web application- Minutes. 


To design an app based platform that let users search and navigate to charging stations on the go along with offering ease and convenience.


Developed our product through the following five phases: Research, Synthesize, Ideate, UI Design & Test.


Competitor Analyses User goals User pain points


High level design goals Key features & motivations


Card sorting
Site map
Task flow

Ui Design

Logo design
Low-fi sketches


Usability testing
Iteration & implementation
Hi-fi prototypes
Final screens

Meetings dashboard

The powerful dashboard contains the lists of the meetings and events created by the user. The space where you can easily track down and sort the meetings according to the priority. It also tracks your actions and progress. If you are handling more than one meeting, you can track them here and the meetings here are segregated based on the progress and completion.
This dashboard has the key details of the meetings and the events created, which are:

1. The subject of the meeting

This column displays a short description of the meeting. This enables the user to select the meeting immediately without much searching. 

2. Initiated by

this column holds the person's name who initiated the meeting

3. Participants

This column shows the profile icon of the participants involved in the meeting.

4. Date created

This lets all the participants, including the person who had initiated the meeting, the date the meeting is created.

5. Due date

This column is filled with the due dates, before which the tasks/actions should be completed. 

6. Actions

This column shows the progress with the help of a status bar that indicates the number of tasks completed related to the subject.

7. Project name

This column shows the name of the project for which the meeting is arranged.

Clicking on any of the subjects listed in the dashboard gives you the actions and other details related to the meeting.  

Sign-up process

The signup process is simple and requires key authentication details such as First name, last name, designation, department, city, and country.

Action item dashboard

The action dashboard is designed with much flexibility, when clicking on one action item lets the user view the details of the meeting, and it also allows the user to go to the main meeting from this page. Moreover, from the action dashboard, user can share their thoughts through comments! If the user wants to appreciate their team members for finishing the task, they can add comments by clicking on the specific action item.
Above all, the user can create an action item here in the action dashboard by clicking on the “create action item” button at the top of the page and linking meetings to them.


This page allows the user to have a deeper look into the meetings held by the organization. This page tracks down the number of meetings held by the organization, actions made, and operational efficiency. The meetings can be analyzed effectively as the details are shown in pictorial representation. The bar graph representation of the completed meetings, in-progress meetings, and overdue meetings helps the user to analyze and get data instantly. The tasks completed and the tasks that are not yet started are represented using pie charts. These features help the user to validate their progress better with the results shown.


This feature lets the user add the meetings in the form of labels. A monthly calendar with enough space to add labels on each date is presented on the page, for the user to add/schedule meetings. The color-coded labels for the meetings like the ‘light blue’ label for in-progress meetings, the ‘bright red’ label for overdue meetings, the ‘bright green’ label for completed meetings, and ‘purple’ for upcoming meetings discriminate the types distinctively. 
This page also shows the statuses of the meetings and the number of meetings under each section, along with the due dates. 

Manage users

On this page, the user will be able to view the list of users. The user can add or remove users with the “action” symbol. Also, here the user can view the meetings created by their team members.
The page also enables the user to change the role of the users and manage their data (such as designation, role, and email id) related to them effectively.

Advanced search feature

A company can organize several meetings a day; therefore the user might find it difficult to find a specific meeting or action. Therefore this “advanced search” space allows the user to enter the keywords related to the project to locate the details in no time. 
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